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Monthly Insight


In June, as schools close for summer and we experience the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, we also witness the cultural significance of the Strawberry moon of spring, appearing in June and Named after the fleeting strawberry harvesting period.  



The Summer Solstice, also known as Litha, is June 21 st, a significant event in the Wiccan tradition.  It marks a pivotal shift in the dynamic between the gods and goddesses, symbolizing the changing cycles of mirroring the natural rhythms of life.  

Hello June.png

Spiritual Uplifts Magical Moon for June

BY Lynn Pritchard | JUNE 1, 2024

The upcoming full moon in June is known as the strawberry moon.  The Strawberry Moon symbolizes a bright summer ahead with abundance and prosperity.  It signifies hope and optimism for future endeavors— an excellent time for manifestation, specifically long-term goals.
It will be a unique sight as it will appear lower in the sky, likely taking on a yellow or orange hue due to the dense horizon air.  This will make it seem less bright than usual.  The full moon falls on Friday, June 21, and coincides with the summer solstice, making it a rare event.  Keep an eye out for the moon's low position on the horizon, which won't happen again for another 18 years.

New Moon: June 6, 8:38 am EDT
First Quarter: June 14, 1:18 am EDT
Full Moon: June 21st, 9:08 pm EDT
Last Quarter: June 28th, 5:53 pm EDT

Summer Solstice full moon you are working with first, which will create movement in your ritual. 
You will need the following for the ritual: Paper and red marker: Two metallic red candles, the Ogun God oil, pyramid water, bayberry candle, ritual spray, and K2 crystal have not been used for anything else.

To begin the magical ritual, use the ritual spray to cleanse the space and invoke the spirit.  While doing this, focus on clearing your mind and setting the intention for the magic you are about to perform.  Once the space is prepared, take a paper and a red marker.  Write down your goal on the paper, and as you do so, visualize your desired outcome with as much detail as possible.  Imagine how it feels to have achieved your goal and how close you are to making it a reality.  This visualization will help to strengthen the connection between your intention and the magic you are about to work.
After using the ritual spray to cleanse and invoke the spirit, proceed by placing two red candles on the left and right corners, ensuring that they are equally spaced and aligned.  Light both candles.  Then, place the pyramid water on the right side of the altar as your water element.  Finally, light the bayberry candle in the middle of the altar.  Next, place your purified water in a cup on the right side of the altar.  Then, add the goddess Ogum oil to the water.  Place your hands over the water, and as you feel the energy, visualize any obstacles to your goals disappearing and your path becoming clear." Next, place your pyramid water in a cup on the right side of the altar. Now place the K2 crystal next to it.  Place hands over the water as you feel the energy, visualize any obstacles to your goals disappearing, and your path is cleared. 

Please pick up the K2 crystal, hold it, and visualize your path cleared.
Repeat the following:

“O creature of fire
Work my will by my desire.
I call my nature ancestor, light my way
   Aid the magick cast this day. 
  So mode it be.”

Carry the K2 crystal with you until the goal is achieved.  The water can be used to charge any divination tools.

Spiritual Uplifts Monthly Study

BY AMANDA DUBLO | June 1, 2024

Book – 21 Days to Work with Crystals. Discover this practical guide that anyone can use to learn about the remarkable powers of crystals. You'll look at specific crystals, some old, some new, basic and advanced, earthy and of high vibration, so that no matter whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced crystal worker, you'll find something here to inspire and excite you. This book also looks at a huge variety of uses for crystals including chakra clearing, avoiding pollutants in your home and in the wider environment, and for meditation. You'll also see why crystals are essential for energy-boosting, opening higher consciousness, and for creating new patterns. Each day, you'll discover a different aspect of crystals, so you build skills to use across a variety of applications. Every day includes a practical activity to expand your sensitivity to crystal energy and help you explore its potential. In just 21 days, you will have learnt about a wide spectrum of crystal possibilities.


Herb – Calendula Flower Powder: Calendula is a cheerful, sunny plant that is well-loved by herbalists worldwide. It is a well-known herb and ornamental garden plant that has been used topically, ceremonially, and as a dye and food plant for centuries. It is also commonly referred to as marigold or pot marigold. Calendula is an annual herb bearing the characteristic daisy-like flowers of other members of the Asteraceae family, having bright orange or yellow terminal flower heads and pale green leaves. Calendula can attract success, especially for health matters.


Persons with allergies to other members of the Asteraceae family (such as feverfew, chamomile, or Echinacea species) should exercise caution with calendula, as allergic cross-reactivity to Asteraceae plants is common. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. Calendula Flower Powder (


Crystal Diamond Aqua Aura: This beautiful blue stone has a powerful healing vibration. It generates a calming effect on the emotional body, releases negativity and stress, and initiates soul energy: freeing one from limitations. It heightens spiritual attunement, assists conscious and inter-dimensional communication, and opens gateways to the angelic realm. It also protects against psychic harm and energy draining.


Oil – Yemaya Oil: This oil features Seashell and Rue Pieces with citrus floral top notes with a base note of Coconut. Use this oil to encourage traits of Yemaya: Goddess of the Ocean. She is a symbol of power, protection, and fertility. She brings in healing, prosperity, and wealth.


External use only. Do not ingest. Keep away from children and finished surfaces.

Spiritual Uplifts Monthly Grid

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Crystal Grid for



BY AMANDA DUBLO | June 1, 2024


Step 1: Begin by setting intentions of connecting with your higher consciousness through meditation.

Step 2: Burn sage or Palo Santo to cleanse the energy in your space.

Step 3: Place a crystal generator of your choice in the center of your grid. Light colored crystals like Clear Quartz are preferred.

Step 4: Using a cloth or wood grid, create two diagonal lines forming a “X” around the generator using the crystals of your choosing from below.


Carnelian: This is a stone of pleasure and joy. If you are feeling bored or “stuck in a rut,” work

with Carnelian to invite adventure and joy into your life. Wear or carry this stone with you to

bring forth your most creative, innovative, and passionate self.

Citrine: This “Stone of Success” promotes abundance, prosperity, good luck, and fortune.

Citrine has the ability to both cleanse and energize the body and mind. Work with this stone to

stimulate confidence, clear-mindedness, and the energy with which to pursue your goals.

Orange Calcite: This calcite cleanses and amplifies energy which then creates a positive

energy flow through the body. It can clear old energy patterns, boosts creativity, and increase

passion and desire. It also works directly with the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras.

Ocean Jasper: This nurturing stone is great for grounding and balancing. It is a stone of

happiness that carries a pleasant vibration and brings positivity and joy. This stone is closely

connected to the ocean, the tide and pull of the moon. 

Rainbow Moonstone: Summer is all about new beginnings, now is the perfect time to open

your energy up for a fresh start. Reveal yourself to new possibilities you might not normally

recognize, strengthen your intuition, and make room for tons of creative energies, ideas, and


Sunstone: This crystal is associated with the Sun and the life-giving energy it radiates. Carry

Sunstone with you to boost self-esteem, confidence, personal power, and self-worth. It can bring

back the enjoyment for life, provide a sense of abundance and stimulate the Solar Plexus



Step 5: Speak out loud your intentions to activate your grid.




June 2024, as the sixth month of the year, draws in the energy of responsibility and duty to family. It is a loving and gentle number that makes us feel secure.

The trend this month is bringing you closer to your loved ones. Our personal relationships can be the core of our inner strength and help us be who we truly are. Luckily for us, not only do we have the six energy encouraging that closeness, we have the additional energy of June being a five Universal Month, which is the number of adventure and new experiences. June is the official start of the summer season; What better way to bond with family by exploring a new place with your family while enjoying the beautiful weather.

Finally, as June is continuing the five energies of change and adaptability, set aside some time to reflect on the events of the last month: did you encounter any unexpected changes? How did you handle these new challenges? Have those changes shifted your course in a new, positive direction? Be honest with yourself and if you did not fully embrace stepping outside your comfort zone, you have another thirty days to take a chance. You may surprise yourself when you let yourself be slightly uncomfortable and welcome change. 

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