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Monthly Horoscope: June 2024

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Aries: This month, you can assert yourself and stand your ground more than usual.

Taurus: "This is an opportune moment to delve into thorough research and introspect your objectives."

Gemini: Avoid secretive or questionable activities, especially those lacking legitimacy and justification.

Cancer: You are more inclined towards peace, somewhat distant on a personal level, and more connected to the outer world.

Leo: Recognition for your deeds and work, rewards, prestige, and even some power could come your way. 

Virgo: You may feel disillusioned by someone close to you, keeping you up at night.

Libra: Pay attention to people you encounter daily and be prepared to administer CPR or the Heimlich maneuver to save a life.

Scorpio: It would be wise to think of situations in your life in terms of "us" instead of "me."

Sagittarius: Volunteer your time to help your near and dear ones, offering a unique experience worth exploring. 

Capricorn: Enjoy the fruits of life, but do not get overly confident or feel that nothing can go wrong.

Aquarius: While romantic overtures intrigue you, you are more interested in proof than talk.

Pisces: Refocus on what's important and how to achieve your goals.

Mercury in Retrograde 2024

December 13, 2023 to January 1, 2024

April 1st to April 24th

August 4th to August 27th

November 25th to December 15th


What to do when Mercury is in Retrograde.  The planet Mercury rules communication, travel, contracts, automobiles, and such.  This type of influence depends on your zodiac.


Aries: Reconfiguration of workplace relationships


Taurus: Issues with relationships.


Gemini: Un-clear real-estate.


Cancer: Misunderstandings in relationships.


Leo: This is a period for revisiting some issues with money.


Virgo: Redefine your own personality, to rediscover a new way.


Libra: You will feel like you need to isolate yourself.


Scorpio: Avoid complaints from superiors.  


Sagittarius: Before you make decisions think of the consequences.


Capricorn: Revise education at this time.


Aquarius: Pay attention to financial agreements.


Pisces: Be cautious, Ex-partners return.



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